
Flower Water- How to make your own with Grape Hyacinths

Journal entry from April 5th 2013-

My Mama says, "You know it's Spring when you see the Wild Grape Hyacinths in the yard."

It's definitely getting warmer where we are and these little lovelies have popped up all over our yard.

Muscari flowers...better known as Grape Hyacinths in the South. 
I don't remember seeing them as much last year, possibly due to how frequently we cut our grass. Or maybe my eyes just weren't as open to them.

Before the first mow of the season, I gathered nearly all of the Wild Grape Hyacinths from the front yard. They smell absolutely amazing. I separated them by stem length (to fit in various containers) and then chose the healthiest buds for making flower water. Now, the smell of purple floral heaven is floating through the house!

I stored the flower water in a majestic decanter that belonged to my Grandmother. Floral waters are infused with flower essence to be used for body misting, pouring into a bath, mixing with lotions and shampoos and aromatherapy.

Creating this particular flower water was easy as pie. The recipe is wonderful as a light body mist, combining the sweet essence of grape hyacinth and essential oil of clary sage. Since this method only has a shelf life of about a week, I plan to use up the rest in a nice warm bath for a healing aromatherapy session.

This is what you'll need:
  • about one cup of fresh flower buds, free of stems and leaves
  • two cups of spring water
  • funnel
  • coffee filter
  • vessel to store flower water
  • 3 drops essential oil of your choice (optional)

How to create flower water:
  1. begin by gathering your pretty flowers! collecting floral buds is a very delicate part of the harvest process. an ideal time to harvest is during the middle of a dry day. search through the flowers for the healthiest, brightest buds, free from decay or damage, and collect them until you have about one cups worth.

About one cup of grape hyacinth flower buds.

2.  gently place the flower buds into a small sauce pot and cover with two cups of water.

Flower buds in a pot with spring water.

3. bring flowers and water to a boil then reduce heat and simmer on low for about 5-8 minutes. add essential oil (optional), give a quick, gentle stir, and remove from heat. allow to cool

4. put coffee filter into funnel and place both in a tall glass cup (as below) or whatever glass container you have available

5. pour the cooled contents from the pot into the funnel and allow to drain until all water has been filtered. this will produce about 1 1/4 cups of sweet smelling floral water.

About 1 1/4 cups floral water

I am so grateful to have inherited my Grandma's china cabinet. It's full of beautiful pieces that she worked very hard to collect. Makes me feel sooo super special.

Wishing all of you a happy season that brings positive growth and renewal.

Cheers! :)