
A Collection of Documentaries: Ancient Egypt

I watch and listen to a lot of documentaries on ancient cultures. Even the background sound is quite comforting. They're great to thrown on when it's work time...motivating in a sense. It's probably all the talk of mysticism and magic that truly gets me. Even just the sounds seem to penetrate and resonate.

It's not unlikely for me to watch a documentary (or listen to a song) that I really enjoy an unusual amount of times in a row. For example, this one stayed on repeat at least 8 or 9 times last night.

I'm not posting these because I agree or disagree with anything or everything they present. They're for entertainment and mystical contemplation of sorts. Some very good questions are posed, some very intriguing theories are explored.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy!


Part one of "The Egyptian Book of The Dead"

Insight into the Egyptians charted journey after death to the afterlife. This programme gives us a graphic  insight into the trials and tribulations of the soul of the deceased.
Produced by Morningstar Entertainment, 2006.

Part two of "The Egyptian Book of The Dead"

Insight into the Egyptians charted journey after death to the afterlife. This programme gives us a graphic  insight into the trials and tribulations of the soul of the deceased. 
Produced by Morningstar Entertainment, 2006.


Part one: LIFE
This focuses on the life of "ordinary" ancient Egyptians, Kha (an architect) and Merit (his wife). A very interesting couple, Kha and Merit lived 3.5k years ago in a remote little village in the desert. They were a significant and lively couple among their people. The narrator is adorable and has lots of obvious passion for the subject. Great energy! 

Part two: DEATH
This focuses on the life of "ordinary" ancient Egyptians, Kha (an architect) and Merit (his wife). A very interesting couple, Kha and Merit lived 3.5k years ago in a remote little village in the desert. They were a significant and lively couple among their people. The narrator is adorable and has lots of obvious passion for the subject. Great energy!